Animals words in Korean - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz

Example images of the Animals words

A wide range of animals names, including wild animals, animals common as pets, animals that can be seen at the zoo and sea animals.

Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 88 animals words in Korean. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.

Use the resources for learning new Korean animals words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.

The Korean vocabulary is written in Hangul.

The animals words can also be filtered to show smaller word lists Animals at the Zoo, Animals on Farms, and Pets.

For printing the vocabulary see the printable vocabulary list and picture dictionary on the worksheets page.

For learning the Animals words in Korean online, try the interactive language quiz.

Animals Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 🦁 - Korean Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings

  • dog
  • crab
  • bear
  • chicken
  • horse
  • snake
  • bee
  • bird
  • cow
  • sheep
  • dragon
  • rat
  • mouse
  • 개미ant
  • 거미spider
  • 고래whale
  • 공작peacock
  • 기린giraffe
  • 나비butterfly
  • 낙지octopus
  • 낙타camel
  • 늑대wolf
  • 돼지pig
  • 라마llama
  • 모기mosquito
  • 물개seal
  • 박쥐bat
  • 백조swan
  • 비버beaver
  • 사슴deer
  • 사자lion
  • 상어shark
  • 새우shrimp
  • 수달otter
  • 악어crocodile
  • 여우fox
  • 염소goat
  • 오리duck
  • 전갈scorpion
  • 터키turkey
  • 토끼rabbit
  • 파리fly
  • 팬다panda
  • 펭귄penguin
  • 표범leopard
  • 푸들poodle
  • 하마hippopotamus
  • 홍학flamingo
  • 개구리frog
  • 거북이tortoise
  • 고릴라gorilla
  • 고양이cat
  • 꼬뿔소rhinoceros
  • 너구리raccoon
  • 다람쥐squirrel
  • 달팽이snail
  • 도도새dodo
  • 도마뱀lizard
  • 돌고래dolphin
  • 매머드mammoth
  • 물고기fish
  • 미생물microbe
  • 바이슨bison
  • 북극곰polar bear
  • 스컹크skunk
  • 애벌레caterpillar
  • 앵무새parrot
  • 얼룩말zebra
  • 오소리badger
  • 오징어squid
  • 올빼미owl
  • 원숭이monkey
  • 유니콘unicorn
  • 지렁이worm
  • 캥거루kangaroo
  • 코끼리elephant
  • 코알라koala
  • 햄스터hamster
  • 호랑이tiger
  • 고슴도치hedgehog
  • 귀뚜라미cricket
  • 나무늘보sloth
  • 딱정벌레beetle
  • 무당벌레ladybug
  • 바닷가재lobster
  • 야생돼지boar
  • 오랑우탄orangutan
  • 검은 고양이black cat

Korean Animals Vocabulary Quiz

Interactive Korean animals vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing Korean vocabulary. Try the quiz with all animals words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!