Food & Drinks words in Korean - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz

Example images of the Food & Drinks words

Various food words including fruits, vegetables, meals, deserts, snacks and drinks.

Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 89 food & drinks words in Korean. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.

Use the resources for learning new Korean food & drinks words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.

The Korean vocabulary is written in Hangul.

The food & drinks words can also be filtered to smaller word lists such as Drinks, Fruit, and Snacks and Deserts.

Printable vocabulary lists and picture dictionaries can be made using the 'Create Printable' button.

Food & Drinks Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 🍉 - Korean Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings

  • orange
  • honey
  • water
  • chestnut
  • pear
  • bread
  • rice
  • french fries
  • 컵 케이크cupcake
  • 가지eggplant
  • 감자potato
  • 경단dango
  • 고기meat
  • 고추chili
  • 국수ramen
  • 녹차green tea
  • 달걀egg
  • 당근carrot
  • 도넛doughnut
  • 딸기strawberry
  • 땅콩peanut
  • 레몬lemon
  • 마늘garlic
  • 만두dumpling
  • 망고mango
  • 버섯mushroom
  • 버터butter
  • 빙수shaved ice
  • 사과apple
  • 사탕candy
  • 살구peach
  • 상추lettuce
  • 소금salt
  • 수박watermelon
  • 양파onion
  • 오뎅oden
  • 오이cucumber
  • 와플waffle
  • 월병mooncake
  • 주스juice
  • 체리cherries
  • 초밥sushi
  • 치즈cheese
  • 커리curry and rice
  • 커피coffee
  • 케밥gyro
  • 케익cake
  • 쿠키cookie
  • 키위kiwi
  • 타코taco
  • 팝콘popcorn
  • 포도grapes
  • 피자pizza
  • 고구마yam
  • 닭고기chicken
  • 바게트french bread
  • 바나나banana
  • 버블티bubble tea
  • 베이글bagel
  • 베이컨bacon
  • 부리토burrito
  • 브레첼pretzel
  • 샐러드salad
  • 쌀과자rice cracker
  • 옥수수corn
  • 초코렛chocolate
  • 코코넛coconut
  • 토마토tomato
  • 팔라펠falafel
  • 핫도그hot dog
  • 햄버거hamburger
  • 막대사탕lollipop
  • 브로콜리broccoli
  • 블루베리blueberries
  • 새우튀김fried shrimp
  • 샌드위치sandwich
  • 스테이크steak
  • 스파게티spaghetti
  • 아보카도avocado
  • 어육완자fish cake
  • 오니기리rice ball
  • 크로와상croissant
  • 파인애플pineapple
  • 펜케이크pancakes
  • 포춘쿠키fortune cookie
  • 달걀프라이fried egg
  • 생일케이크birthday cake
  • 아이스크림ice cream
  • 아이스크림ice cream

Korean Food & Drinks Vocabulary Quiz

Interactive Korean food & drinks vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing Korean vocabulary. Try the quiz with all food & drinks words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!