Verbs (~ing) words in Korean - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz
Present continuous tense verbs. Can be used to describe actions.
Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 30 verbs (~ing) words in Korean. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.
Use the resources for learning new Korean verbs (~ing) words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.
The Korean vocabulary is written in Hangul.
Printable vocabulary lists and picture dictionaries can be made using the 'Create Printable' button.
Verbs (~ing) Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 🎢 - Korean Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings
걷고 있다 — walking
날고 있다 — flying
먹고 있다 — eating
세고 있다 — counting
웃고 있다 — laughing
읽고 있다 — reading
그는 울고 있다 — crying
글을 쓰고 있다 — writing
잠을 자고 있다 — sleeping
춤을 추고 있다 — dancing
달리고 있다 — running
마시고 있다 — drinking
말하고 있다 — speaking
공중에 뜨고 있다 — levitating
기타를 치고 있다 — playing the guitar
농구를 하고 있다 — playing basketball
등산을 하고 있다 — climbing
명상을 하고 있다 — meditating
셀카를 찍고 있다 — taking a selfie
스키를 타고 있다 — skiing
음악을 듣고 있다 — listening to music
공부하고 있다 — studying
수영하고 있다 — swimming
요리하고 있다 — cooking
청소하고 있다 — cleaning
자건거를 타고 있다 — cycling
저글링을 하고 있다 — juggling
재주넘기를 하고 있다 — doing a cartwheel
스노우보드를 타고 있다 — snowboarding
TV를 보고 있다 — watching TV
Korean Verbs (~ing) Vocabulary Quiz
Interactive Korean verbs (~ing) vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing Korean vocabulary. Try the quiz with all verbs (~ing) words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!