Korean Animals Worksheets & Games - Free & Printable
Learn Korean animals names with worksheets and games, including pets, farm animals and zoo animals. Free printables include Writing Practice, Bingo and more.
The worksheets and games are great to use in kindergarten, school or for homeschooling.
You can choose a smaller set of vocabulary for the worksheet by choosing a collection such as Animals Set 1, Animals Set 2 or Animals Set 3. See below to choose a worksheet to teach or study Animals in Korean.
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- 개미
- 너구리
- 딱정벌레
- 미생물
- 비버
- 상어
- 수달
- 여우
- 원숭이
- 토끼
- 파리
- 펭귄
Worksheet Options
Worksheet Vocabulary - 88 words
- 개 ・
- 개구리 ・
- 개미 ・
- 거미 ・
- 거북이 ・
- 검은 고양이 ・
- 게 ・
- 고래 ・
- 고릴라 ・
- 고슴도치 ・
- 고양이 ・
- 곰 ・
- 공작 ・
- 귀뚜라미 ・
- 기린 ・
- 꼬뿔소 ・
- 나무늘보 ・
- 나비 ・
- 낙지 ・
- 낙타 ・
- 너구리 ・
- 늑대 ・
- 다람쥐 ・
- 달팽이 ・
- 닭 ・
- 도도새 ・
- 도마뱀 ・
- 돌고래 ・
- 돼지 ・
- 딱정벌레 ・
- 라마 ・
- 말 ・
- 매머드 ・
- 모기 ・
- 무당벌레 ・
- 물개 ・
- 물고기 ・
- 미생물 ・
- 바닷가재 ・
- 바이슨 ・
- 박쥐 ・
- 백조 ・
- 뱀 ・
- 벌 ・
- 북극곰 ・
- 비버 ・
- 사슴 ・
- 사자 ・
- 상어 ・
- 새 ・
- 새우 ・
- 소 ・
- 수달 ・
- 스컹크 ・
- 악어 ・
- 애벌레 ・
- 앵무새 ・
- 야생돼지 ・
- 양 ・
- 얼룩말 ・
- 여우 ・
- 염소 ・
- 오랑우탄 ・
- 오리 ・
- 오소리 ・
- 오징어 ・
- 올빼미 ・
- 용 ・
- 원숭이 ・
- 유니콘 ・
- 전갈 ・
- 쥐 ・
- 쥐 ・
- 지렁이 ・
- 캥거루 ・
- 코끼리 ・
- 코알라 ・
- 터키 ・
- 토끼 ・
- 파리 ・
- 팬다 ・
- 펭귄 ・
- 표범 ・
- 푸들 ・
- 하마 ・
- 햄스터 ・
- 호랑이 ・
- 홍학
Worksheet List
Animals Bingo Worksheet
A worksheet to play the popular bingo game and learn vocabulary in Korean. The worksheet includes a bingo grid and bingo cards with Korean vocabulary. Bingo is a fun game that kids enjoy while reviewing languages.
Animals Board Game Worksheet
Board game to be used with dice and counters to practice vocabulary and have fun.
Animals Picture Dictionary Worksheet
This printable picture dictionary includes colorful images alongside Korean vocabulary. It can be used as a reference by learners to learn animals words in Korean.
Animals Vocabulary List Worksheet
A printable vocabulary list to use as a reference. Can include the English translations of the animals words.
- 개미
- 너구리
- 딱정벌레
- 미생물
- 비버
- 상어
- 수달
- 여우
- 원숭이
- 토끼
- 파리
- 펭귄
Animals Word Match Worksheet
In this word matching worksheet learners write the animals words in Korean next to the pictures. This worksheet is great to practice writing and to help memorize new Korean vocabulary. It can also be used as a review or assessment tool to check students' understanding of the vocabulary learned in previous lessons.
Animals Writing Practice Worksheet
A worksheet to practice writing and vocabulary. The writing practice worksheet features a set of color pictures and corresponding Korean animals words to help learners improve their writing skills and handwriting. It is suitable for learners of all ages who are looking to improve their writing skills and Korean vocabulary.
Choose from a collection for animals worksheets with fewer vocabulary.
The following collections may be available from the above worksheets page depending on the number of vocabulary.
For these collections, please choose the worksheet, then use the collection filter to choose the collection.
- Animals Set 1
- (곰, 새, 고양이, 개, 코끼리, 물고기, 사자, 원숭이)
- Animals Set 2
- (닭, 소, 개구리, 말, 쥐, 돼지, 토끼, 양)
- Animals Set 3
- (낙타, 악어, 사슴, 오리, 여우, 염소, 코알라, 펭귄)
- Animals Set 4
- (야생돼지, 햄스터, 올빼미, 쥐, 다람쥐, 거북이, 터키, 늑대)
- Animals at the Zoo
- (악어, 코끼리, 고릴라, 표범, 사자, 원숭이, 팬다, 펭귄, 꼬뿔소, 기린, ...)
- Pets
- (고양이, 개, 물고기, 햄스터, 말, 도마뱀, 토끼, 쥐, 뱀, 거북이, ...)
- Sea Creatures
- (게, 돌고래, 물고기, 낙지, 상어, 새우, 오징어, 고래, 바닷가재, 물개)
- Insects
- (개미, 벌, 나비, 애벌레, 전갈, 거미, 귀뚜라미, 모기, 파리, 지렁이)