Free Printable Korean Worksheets & Games - Learn & Teach Korean!

Printable worksheets and games to help you teach or study Korean language. The worksheets including word matching, picture dictionaries and bingo . All worksheets are completely free to use and can be printed using the worksheet creator.
The worksheets can be used in the classroom, or given for homework to review vocabulary. They are also great for home schooling or for parents to help kids learn Korean. All worksheets use Hangul, so can be used for learning Hangul and practicing reading Hangul.
Print the worksheets from the browser or download PDFs using the browser's save to PDF feature.
The worksheets are organized by popular language learning themes such as animals, colors, food and numbers. Select a category below to see the worksheets and games available to print.
The worksheets can be used in the classroom, or given for homework to review vocabulary. They are also great for home schooling or for parents to help kids learn Korean. All worksheets use Hangul, so can be used for learning Hangul and practicing reading Hangul.
Print the worksheets from the browser or download PDFs using the browser's save to PDF feature.
The worksheets are organized by popular language learning themes such as animals, colors, food and numbers. Select a category below to see the worksheets and games available to print.
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All Worksheet Categories
Adjectives Worksheets & Games
Worksheets and games to practice using Korean adjectives. The words are organized in adjective pairs to make the meaning clear.Animals Worksheets & Games
Learn Korean animals names with worksheets and games, including pets, farm animals and zoo animals.Clothes Worksheets & Games
Korean clothes worksheets and games with vocabulary from summer to winter clothes. The words can be used for learning how to describing people and practice the present continuous tense.Colors Worksheets & Games
Practice Korean colors words with worksheets and games. Great for beginner language Korean learners.Countries Worksheets & Games
Worksheets and games to learn country names in Korean. Includes countries from Africa, North and South America, Asia, Europe and Oceana.Daily Routine Worksheets & Games
Practice talking about daily routines in Korean with these worksheets and games.Family Worksheets & Games
Learn vocabulary for talking about family and relatives with Korean worksheets.Feelings Worksheets & Games
Worksheets and games to practice talking about feelings and emotions in Korean.Food & Drinks Worksheets & Games
Worksheets to learn various food Korean words including fruits, vegetables, snacks and drinks. The vocabulary can be used for talking about likes and dislikes, or practicing shopping or ordering at a restaurant.Hobbies Worksheets & Games
Practice talking about hobbies in Korean with these Korean worksheets and games.Holidays & Festivals Worksheets & Games
Holiday words for holidays and festivals around the world. Includes words for Christmas and Halloween.Home Worksheets & Games
Objects found around the home, including electronics, kitchen and bathroom items. Practice describing the location on objects in Korean using these words.Jobs Worksheets & Games
Worksheets and games to help learn Korean jobs & occupations related words.Months Worksheets & Games
Worksheets to learn months vocabulary from January to December in Korean.Nature Worksheets & Games
Nature words for describing the environment, countryside, plants and flowers.Numbers Worksheets & Games
Learn Korean numbers up to 100 with the numbers worksheets and games.Parts of the Body Worksheets & Games
Words for parts of the body and face.Places in a Town Worksheets & Games
Learn Korean Places & Buildings vocabulary. Including places you visit on vacation. The worksheets can be used to learn word for asking and giving directions in Korean.School Things Worksheets & Games
Words for talking about things that can be found in classrooms and schools. Including musical instruments.Seasons Worksheets & Games
The four season names and word collections for Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter vocabulary.Shapes Worksheets & Games
Worksheets to learn Korean shapes words for beginner learners.Sports Worksheets & Games
Worksheets and games to learn variety of sport names in Korean.Time Worksheets & Games
Time vocabulary for telling the time, taking about routines and making plans. Vocabulary for 1 - 12 o'clock and half past each hour.Transport Worksheets & Games
Cars, busses, trains and a variety of land, sea and air transportation vocabulary.Verbs (~ing) Worksheets & Games
Practice present continuous tense Korean verbs with worksheets and games. These useful words can be used to describe actions in Korean.Weather Worksheets & Games
Learn words for describing the weather in Korean using printable worksheets and games. Practicing the weather words helps to understanding the weather forecast.