Home Picture Flashcards - Free Printables & PDFs

English Home flashcards example printable flashcard

57 free Home online & printable flashcards. Print and download flashcards with or without words, and use online flashcards with audio.

Here you can find objects found around the home, including electronics, and kitchen and bathroom items. Practice using prepositions of place using these words.

The flashcards are designed for teaching kids and young learners at kindergarten, school or at home. Flashcards can be printed directly from the browser or you can download a PDF file. There are three flashcard sizes, large flashcards in A4 or letter paper sizes, and medium and small flashcards which are great for using in activities and games. You can also use interactive online flashcards on computers, tablets and smartphones.

Printable Flashcards with English Vocabulary

57 English Home flashcards for teaching and learning English vocabulary.

Print all English flashcards or choose a smaller flashcard set.

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Printable Picture Flashcards Without Words

57 Home Picture flashcards without words to teach or use for studying any language.

Print all Picture flashcards or choose a smaller flashcard set.

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Online Home Flashcards

The online flashcards are designed for viewing on a phone, tablet or computer. Click the picture to show and hide the vocabulary. The flashcards can be viewed in full screen mode by clicking the expand icon.

Home Flashcard Sets

Things in the Home Set 1

television emojibed emojidoor emojichair emojimirror emojiwindow emojisofatable

Kitchen Things

bowl with spoon emojichopsticks emojispoon emojifork and knife emojibasket emoji

Bathroom Things

bathtub emojitoilet emojishower emojiroll of paper emojisoap emojisponge emojilotion bottle emoji


camera emojivideo camera emojitelevision emojiradio emojilaptop emojiflashlight emojimicrophone emojiheadphone emojivideo game emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present

Everyday Electronics

camera emojitelevision emojiradio emojilaptop emojiheadphone emojitelephone emojimobile phone emojidesktop computer emoji

More Electronics

video camera emojiflashlight emojimicrophone emojiheadphone emojisatellite antenna emojilight bulb emoji

Computer Electronics

laptop emojiheadphone emojivideo game emojiprinter emojicomputer mouse emojikeyboard emojijoystick emojidesktop computer emoji



Taught English as a Second Language in elementary schools, junior high schools and high Schools in Japan.