Animals Printable Picture Flashcards

Set of 89 Animals Picture flashcards. The flashcards are designed for teaching kids and young learners at school or at home. Flashcards can be printed directly from the browser or you can download a PDF file. There are three flashcard sizes, large flashcards in A4 or letter paper sizes, and medium and small flashcards which are great for using in activities and games.

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Picture Animals Flashcard Sets

Animals Set 1

bird emojidog face emojielephant emojitropical fish emojilion emojimonkey emojibear emojicat emoji

Animals Set 2

rooster emojifrog emojimouse emojipig emojirabbit emojicow emojihorse face emojiram emoji

Animals Set 3

crocodile emojideer emojiduck emojigoat emojikoala emojipenguin emojicamel emojifox emoji

Animals Set 4

boar emojihamster emojiowl emojiturtle emojiturkey emojirat emojichipmunk emojiwolf emoji

Animals on Farms

cat emojirooster emojicow emojidog face emojiduck emojigoat emojihorse face emojimouse emojiowl emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present

Animals at the Zoo

crocodile emojielephant emojigorilla emojileopard emojilion emojimonkey emojipanda emojirhinoceros emojihippopotamus emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present


beetle emojiblack cat emojicat emojidog face emojitropical fish emojihamster emojihedgehog emojihorse face emojilizard emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present

Sea Creatures

crab emojidolphin emojitropical fish emojioctopus emojishrimp emojisquid emojishark emojilobster emojiwhale emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present


ant emojihoneybee emojibutterfly emojibug emojispider emojimosquito emojicricket emojifly emojiscorpion emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present