German Seasons Online & Printable Flashcards

German Seasons flashcards example printable flashcard

53 free German Seasons flashcards.

The four season names and word collections for Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter flashcards.

The color flashcards can be printed directly from the browser or downloaded to PDF. There are three flashcard sizes, large full page flashcards, and medium and small flashcards which are great for using in activities and games.

Printable German Seasons Flashcards

Flashcard Creator

Preview - 53 Flashcards

The flashcards are designed for teaching kids, young learners and beginners at school or at home. They are also great for self-study and visual learners.

Online German Seasons Flashcards

The online flashcards are designed for viewing on a phone, tablet or computer. Click the picture to show and hide the vocabulary, and the audio icon to hear the pronunciation. The flashcards can be viewed in full screen mode by clicking the expand icon.

German Seasons Flashcard Sets

For German Seasons flashcards the following smaller flashcard sets can be printed or downloaded to PDF.

Season Names



Springblossom emojibutterfly emojicherry blossom emojihatching chick emojihoneybee emojikite emojilady beetle emojirainbow emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present


Sumerbeach with umbrella emojicup of water emojifrisbee emojiice emojiice cream emojilotion bottle emojione-piece swimsuit emojipalm tree emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present

Fall / Autumn

Autumnchestnut emojichipmunk emojicloud with rain emojicorn cob emojifallen leaf emojihedgehog emojihot drink emojijack-o-lantern emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present


WinterChristmas tree emojicloud with snow emojicoat emojicold face emojideer emojigloves emojihot drink emojiice skate emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present

Recommended Activities

The following learning activities are good for teaching German Seasons vocabulary.