Learn Jobs & Occupation Words in German - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz

Vocabulary for jobs & occupations.
Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 34 jobs words in German. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.
Use the resources for learning new German jobs words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.
Printable vocabulary lists and picture dictionaries can be made using the 'Create Printable' button.
Jobs Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 👨🏾⚕️ - German Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings
der Arzt — doctor
der Astronaut — astronaut
die Astronautin — astronaut
der Bauer — farmer
der Bauer — farmer
der Büroangestellte — office worker
die Büroangestellte — office worker
der Detektiv — detective
die Detektivin — detective
die Feuerwehrfrau — fire fighter
der Feuerwehrmann — fire fighter
der Ingenieur — engineer
die Ingenieurin — engineer
der Koch — chef
die Köchin — chef
der Künstler — artist
die Künstlerin — artist
der Lehrer — teacher
die Lehrerin — teacher
der Mechaniker — mechanic
die Mechanikerin — mechanic
der Pilot — pilot
die Pilotin — pilot
der Polizist — police officer
die Polizistin — police officer
der Richter — judge
die Richterin — judge
der Student — student
die Studentin — student
der Sänger — singer
die Sängerin — singer
der Wissenschaftler — scientist
die Wissenschaftlerin — scientist
die Ärztin — doctor
German Jobs Vocabulary Quiz
Interactive German jobs vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing German vocabulary. Try the quiz with all jobs words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!