Food & Drinks words in German - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz

Food and drinks words including fruits, vegetables, meals, deserts and snacks. Can be used for practicing shopping or ordering at a restaurant.
Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 90 food & drinks words in German. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.
Use the resources for learning new German food & drinks words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.
The food & drinks words can also be filtered to smaller word lists such as Drinks, Fruit, and Snacks and Deserts.
Printable vocabulary lists and picture dictionaries can be made using the 'Create Printable' button.
Food & Drinks Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 🍉 - German Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings
die Ananas — pineapple
der Apfel — apple
die Aubergine — eggplant
die Avocado — avocado
der Bagel — bagel
das Baguette — french bread
die Banane — banana
die Birne — pear
die Blaubeeren — blueberries
das Bonbon — candy
die Brezel — pretzel
der Broccoli — broccoli
das Brot — bread
der Bubble Tea — bubble tea
der Burrito — burrito
die Butter — butter
der Chili — chili
das Croissant — croissant
der Cupcake — cupcake
Curry und Reis — curry and rice
der Donut — doughnut
das Ei — egg
das Eis — ice cream
das Eis — ice cream
das Eis — ice
die Erdbeere — strawberry
die Erdnuss — peanut
die Falafel — falafel
die Fischfrikadelle — fish cake
das Fladenbrot — flatbread
das Fleisch — meat
die Garnele — fried shrimp
der Geburtstagskuchen — birthday cake
der Glückskeks — fortune cookie
die grüne Paprikaschote — bell pepper
grüner Tee — green tea
die Gurke — cucumber
der Hamburger — hamburger
der Honig — honey
der Hotdog — hot dog
das Huhn — chicken
der Kaffee — coffee
die Kartoffel — potato
der Käse — cheese
die Kastanie — chestnut
der Kebab — gyro
der Keks — cookie
die Kirschen — cherries
die Kiwi — kiwi
der Kloß — dumpling
der Knoblauch — garlic
die Kokosnuss — coconut
der Kuchen — cake
der Lutscher — lollipop
der Maiskolben — corn
die Mango — mango
die Möhre — carrot
der Mondkuchen — mooncake
die Nudeln — ramen
die Oliven — olives
die Orange — orange
die Pfannkuchen — pancakes
der Pfirsich — peach
der Pilz — mushroom
die Pizza — pizza
die Pommes — french fries
das Popcorn — popcorn
der Reis — rice
das Reisbällchen — rice ball
der Saft — juice
der Salat — salad
der Salat — lettuce
das Salz — salt
das Sandwich — sandwich
die Schokolade — chocolate
Spaghetti — spaghetti
der Speck — bacon
das Spiegelei — fried egg
das Steak — steak
das Sushi — sushi
die Süßkartoffel — yam
der Taco — taco
die Tamale — tamale
die Tomate — tomato
die Trauben — grapes
die Waffel — waffle
das Wasser — water
die Wassermelone — watermelon
die Zitrone — lemon
die Zwiebel — onion
German Food & Drinks Vocabulary Quiz
Interactive German food & drinks vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing German vocabulary. Try the quiz with all food & drinks words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!