Home words in German - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz
Objects found around the home, including electronics, and living room, kitchen and bathroom items.
Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 56 home words in German. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.
Use the resources for learning new German home words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.
The home words can also be filtered to show smaller word lists Bathroom Things, Electronics, and Kitchen Things.
Printable vocabulary lists and picture dictionaries can be made using the 'Create Printable' button.
Home Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 🛋 - German Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings
- das Bad — bath
- der Besen — broom
- das Bett — bed
- die CD — CD
- der Computer — computer
- der Drucker — printer
- die Dusche — shower
- der Eimer — bucket
- die [Ess]stäbchen — chopsticks
- das Fax[gerät] — fax machine
- das Fenster — window
- der Fernseher — TV
- die Gabel und das Messer — knife and fork
- das Garn — thread
- die Glühbirne — lightbulb
- der Joystick — joystick
- die Kamera — camera
- der Knoten — knot
- der Koffer — suitcase
- die Kopfhörer — headphones
- der Korb — basket
- der Laptop — laptop
- die Leiter — ladder
- die Lotion — lotion
- die Maus — mouse
- die Mausefalle — mousetrap
- das Mikrofon — microphone
- die Nadel — needle
- der Pager — pager
- das Radio — radio
- der Rasierapparat — shaver
- die Satellitenantenne — satellite dish
- die Saugpumpe — plunger
- die Schale und der Löffel — bowl and spoon
- der Schwamm — sponge
- die Seife — soap
- die Sicherheitsnadel — safety pin
- das Smartphone — smartphone
- das Sofa und die Lampe — sofa and lamp
- der Spiegel — mirror
- die Steuerung — controller
- der Stuhl — chair
- die Taschenlampe — torch
- die Tastatur — keyboard
- der Teddybär — teddy bear
- das Telefon — telephone
- die Toilette — toilet
- das Toilettenpapier — toilet roll
- die Tür — door
- die Uhr — clock
- die Videokamera — video camera
- das Wollknäuel — ball of wool
- das Wollknäuel — spoon
- die Zahnbürste — toothbrush
- die Zeitung — newspaper
- die Zimmerpflanze — house plant
German Home Vocabulary Quiz
Interactive German home vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing German vocabulary. Try the quiz with all home words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!