Learn Animal Names in Spanish - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz

A wide range of animals names, including wild animals, animals common as pets, animals that can be seen at the zoo and sea animals.
Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 89 animals words in Spanish. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.
Use the resources for learning new Spanish animals words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.
The animals words can also be filtered to show smaller word lists Animals at the Zoo and Pets.
Printable vocabulary lists and picture dictionaries can be made using the 'Create Printable' button.
Animals Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 🦁 - Spanish Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings
la abeja — bee
el alacrán — scorpion
la amiba — microbe
la araña — spider
la ardilla — squirrel
el ave — bird
la ballena — whale
el bisonte — bison
el buey — ox
el búho — owl
el caballo — horse
la cabra — goat
el calamar — squid
el camarón — shrimp
el camello — camel
el cangrejo — crab
el canguro — kangaroo
el caracol — snail
el castor — beaver
la catarina — ladybug
la cebra — zebra
el cerdo — pig
el cisne — swan
el coala — koala
el cocodrilo — crocodile
el conejo — rabbit
el delfin — dolphin
el dragón — dragon
el elefante — elephant
el escarabajo — beetle
el flamingo — flamingo
la foca — seal
la gallina — chicken
el gato — cat
el gato negro — black cat
el gorila — gorilla
el guajolote — turkey
el hamster — hamster
el hipopótamo — hippopotamus
la hormiga — ant
el jabalí — boar
la jirafa — giraffe
la lagartija — lizard
la langosta — lobster
el leopardo — leopard
el león — lion
la llama — llama
el lobo — wolf
la lombriz — worm
el mamut — mammoth
el mapache — raccoon
la mariposa — butterfly
el mono — monkey
la mosca — fly
el mosco — mosquito
el murciélago — bat
la nutria — otter
el orangután — orangutan
la oruga — caterpillar
el oso — bear
el oso perezoso — sloth
el oso polar — polar bear
la oveja — sheep
el panda — panda
el pato — duck
el pavo real — peacock
el perico — parrot
el perro — dog
el perro poodle — poodle
el pez — fish
el pingüino — penguin
el puercoespín — hedgehog
el pulpo — octopus
el pájaro dodo — dodo
la rana — frog
la rata — rat
el ratón — mouse
el rinoceronte — rhinoceros
el saltamontes — cricket
la serpiente — snake
el tejón — badger
el tiburón — shark
el tigre — tiger
la tortuga — tortoise
el unicornio — unicorn
la vaca — cow
el venado — deer
el zorrillo — skunk
el zorro — fox
Spanish Animals Vocabulary Quiz
Interactive Spanish animals vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing Spanish vocabulary. Try the quiz with all animals words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!