Japanese School Things Worksheets & Games - Free & Printable
Printable worksheets and games to learn School Things vocabulary in Japanese. Free printables include Writing Practice, Bingo and more.
The worksheets and games are great to use in kindergarten, school or for homeschooling.
You can choose a smaller set of vocabulary for the worksheet by choosing a collection such as School Things for Beginners, School Things for Beginners 2 or Stationary. See below to choose a worksheet to teach or study School Things in Japanese.
Worksheet Creator
Worksheet List
The following collections may be available from the above worksheets page depending on the number of vocabulary.
For these collections, please choose the worksheet, then use the collection filter to choose the collection.
- School Things for Beginners
- (定規, 本, ノート, 時計, ペン, 鉛筆, クレヨン, ランドセル)
- School Things for Beginners 2
- (メガホン, 顕微鏡, 時計, パソコン, 絵, ゴミ箱, 鍵, CD, カレンダー, ランドセル)
- Stationary
- (定規, 本, ノート, ペン, 鉛筆, クレヨン, ハサミ, 絵筆, クリップ, 三角定規, ...)
- Science and Math
- (顕微鏡, 望遠鏡, 試験管, シャーレ, 方位磁針, そろばん, 磁石, 白衣, ゴーグル, 三角定規)
- Musical Instruments
- (ギター, サクソフォン , ピアノ, トランペット, バイオリン , ドラム, )