Hobbies words in Japanese - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz

Example images of the Hobbies words

Hobbies vocabulary for describing what people do for fun and in their free time.

Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 36 hobbies words in Japanese. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.

Use the resources for learning new Japanese hobbies words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.

The hobbies words can also be filtered to show smaller word lists Indoor Activities and Outdoor Activities.

For printing the vocabulary see the printable vocabulary list and picture dictionary on the worksheets page.

For learning the Hobbies words in Japanese online, try the interactive language quiz.

Hobbies Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 📚 - Japanese Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings

  • アートart
  • カフェ周りgoing to cafes
  • キャンプをする事camping
  • ゲームplaying video games
  • サイクリングcycling
  • ジャグリングjuggling
  • シュノーケリングsnorkling
  • スカイダイビングparachuting
  • スポーツ観戦watching sports
  • ダーツplaying darts
  • ダンスdancing
  • チェスplaying chess
  • テレビを見る事watching TV
  • トランプplaying cards
  • トレーニングworking out
  • ハイキングhiking
  • バレエballet
  • ビリヤードplaying pool
  • ブーメランplaying boomerang
  • ボートを漕ぐ事rowing a boat
  • ボーリングするbowling
  • マジックmagic
  • ヨーヨーをする事playing yoyo
  • ローラースケートするroller skating
  • 写真を撮る事photography
  • 凧揚げflying kites
  • 天文学astronomy
  • 料理をする事cooking
  • 旅行traveling
  • 映画を見る事watching movies
  • 歌を歌う事singing
  • 温泉に行く事going to hot springs
  • 演技acting
  • 編み物knitting
  • 読書reading
  • 買い物shopping

Japanese Hobbies Vocabulary Quiz

Interactive Japanese hobbies vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing Japanese vocabulary. Try the quiz with all hobbies words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!