Animals words in Japanese - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz

Example images of the Animals words

A wide range of animals names, including wild animals, animals common as pets, animals that can be seen at the zoo and sea animals.

Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 89 animals words in Japanese. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.

Use the resources for learning new Japanese animals words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.

The animals words can also be filtered to show smaller word lists Animals at the Zoo and Pets.

Printable vocabulary lists and picture dictionaries can be made using the 'Create Printable' button.

Animals Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 🦁 - Japanese Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings

  • アザラシseal
  • アナグマbadger
  • アリant
  • アルパカllama
  • イノシシboar
  • イルカdolphin
  • ウサギrabbit
  • エビshrimp
  • オウムparrot
  • オランウータンorangutan
  • カエルfrog
  • かたつむりsnail
  • カニcrab
  • カバhippopotamus
  • カモduck
  • かわうそotter
  • カンガルーkangaroo
  • キツネfox
  • キリンgiraffe
  • クジャクpeacock
  • クジラwhale
  • クマbear
  • クモspider
  • コアラkoala
  • こうもりbat
  • こおろぎcricket
  • ゴリラgorilla
  • サイrhinoceros
  • サソリscorpion
  • サメshark
  • シマウマzebra
  • スカンクskunk
  • タコoctopus
  • タコsquid
  • たぬきraccoon
  • てんとう虫(てんとうむし)ladybug
  • ドードーdodo
  • トカゲlizard
  • なまけものsloth
  • ネズミmouse
  • ネズミrat
  • バイソンbison
  • ハエfly
  • ハチbee
  • ハムスターhamster
  • ハリネズミhedgehog
  • パンダpanda
  • ビーバーbeaver
  • ひょうleopard
  • プードルpoodle
  • ふくろうowl
  • フラミンゴflamingo
  • ペンギンpenguin
  • ホッキョクグマpolar bear
  • マンモスmammoth
  • ミミズworm
  • ヤギgoat
  • ユニコーンunicorn
  • ライオンlion
  • ラクダcamel
  • リスsquirrel
  • りゅうdragon
  • ロブスターlobster
  • ワニcrocodile
  • 七面鳥(しちめんちょう)turkey
  • (かめ)tortoise
  • (ぞう)elephant
  • 去勢牛(きょせいぎゅう)ox
  • 微生物(びせいぶつ)microbe
  • 毛虫(けむし)caterpillar
  • (うし)cow
  • (いぬ)dog
  • (おおかみ)wolf
  • (ねこ)cat
  • (さる)monkey
  • 甲虫類(こうちゅうるい)beetle
  • 白鳥(はくちょう)swan
  • (ひつじ)sheep
  • (とら)tiger
  • ()mosquito
  • (へび)snake
  • (ちょう)butterfly
  • (ぶた)pig
  • (うま)horse
  • (さかな)fish
  • (とり)bird
  • (にわとり)chicken
  • 鹿(しか)deer
  • 黒猫(くろねこ)black cat

Japanese Animals Vocabulary Quiz

Interactive Japanese animals vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing Japanese vocabulary. Try the quiz with all animals words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!