Verbs (~ing) words in Italian - Vocabulary List, Picture Dictionary and Quiz

Present continuous tense verbs. Can be used to describe actions.

Here you can find a vocabulary list, picture dictionary and quiz with 45 verbs (~ing) words in Italian. The vocabulary is great for teaching elementary school students, middle school student or any beginner level.

Use the resources for learning new Italian verbs (~ing) words or reviewing vocabulary. To listen to the audio of the vocabulary pronunciation click the audio icon.

For printing the vocabulary see the printable vocabulary list and picture dictionary on the worksheets page.

For learning the Verbs (~ing) words in Italian online, try the interactive language quiz.

Verbs (~ing) Vocabulary List with Audio Pronunciation 🎢 - Italian Vocabulary with Pictures and English Meanings

  • alzando la manoraising a hand
  • andando a cavalloriding a horse
  • andando in barcasailing
  • andando in bicicycling
  • andando in canoarowing
  • andando sulle montagne russeriding a rollercoaster
  • arrampicandosiclimbing
  • ascoltando musicalistening to music
  • ballandodancing
  • bevendodrinking
  • cambiando valutaexchanging money
  • cantandosinging
  • contandocounting
  • correndorunning
  • cucinandocooking
  • disegnandodrawing a picture
  • dormendosleeping
  • facendo il bagnotaking a bath
  • facendo il giocolierejuggling
  • facendo la ruotadoing a cartwheel
  • facendo le puliziecleaning
  • facendo snowboardsnowboarding
  • facendo surfsurfing
  • facendo un selfietaking a selfie
  • giocando a basketplaying basketball
  • guardando la tvwatching TV
  • insegnando matematicateaching math
  • in voloflying
  • lanciando una pallathrowing a ball
  • leggendoreading
  • levitandolevitating
  • mangiandoeating
  • meditandomeditating
  • mettendosi lo smaltopainting nails
  • nuotandoswimming
  • parlandospeaking
  • a passeggiowalking
  • piangendocrying
  • ridendolaughing
  • sciandoskiing
  • scrivendowriting
  • sollevando pesilifting weights
  • studiandostudying
  • suonando la chitarraplaying the guitar
  • tagliando i capellicutting hair

Italian Verbs (~ing) Vocabulary Quiz

Interactive Italian verbs (~ing) vocabulary quiz for learning and reviewing Italian vocabulary. Try the quiz with all verbs (~ing) words, or choose a smaller collection. Choose the correct word to match the picture flashcard. At the end of the quiz you can review the answers to learn new words. Press start to begin!