School Things Printable Picture Flashcards

Set of 38 School Things Picture flashcards. The flashcards are designed for teaching kids and young learners at school or at home. Flashcards can be printed directly from the browser or you can download a PDF file. There are three flashcard sizes, large flashcards in A4 or letter paper sizes, and medium and small flashcards which are great for using in activities and games.

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Picture School Things Flashcard Sets

School Things for Beginners

straight ruler emojiledger emojigreen book emojimantelpiece clock emojipen emojipencil emojicrayon emojibackpack emoji

School Things for Beginners 2

loudspeaker emojimicroscope emojimantelpiece clock emojidesktop computer emojiframed picture emojiwastebasket emojiold key emojioptical disk emojispiral calendar emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present


straight ruler emojigreen book emojiledger emojipen emojipencil emojicrayon emojiscissors emojipaintbrush emojipaperclip emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present

Science and Math

microscope emojitelescope emojitest tube emojipetri dish emojicompass emojiabacus emojimagnet emojilab coat emojigoggles emojiplus symbol to show more flashcards present